Luann Carman has been a professional pianist since 1978 and holds two degrees in piano performance, a Bachelor of Music and a Master of Arts. She has authored two piano books for Warner Brothers and Hal Leonard Publications and is currently working on another. Ms Carman studied commercial music with Helene Mirich and became a freelance pianist in the Los Angeles area. She was on the faculty of several universities, including CSU Fullerton, UC Santa Barbara, and California Lutheran College. Now she has private students in the Temecula area and is currently the pianist for the Southwest Women’s Choir, Great Oak High School Choirs, Grace Presbyterian Church, and the Temecula Valley Master Chorale. Ms Carman’s experience as an accompanist goes back as far as high school and college. As a junior in college, she was recruited by Frank Pooler, renowned choral director, and performed at home and abroad. For five years, she accompanied a young violinist prodigy and competed throughout Southern California, including winning the Temecula Valley Orchestra Concerto Competition. Ms Carman resides in the Temecula area and is frequently found cycling through the streets of wine country. |